Friday, September 16, 2011

Why You Bloggin'?

So Mark just put up a sort of commemorative post for his third month of blogging (congratulations are in order for his excellent work so far).

In which he addressed his reasons for blogging. If you don't already know of him then rest assured that those reasons are noble and good.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for many bloggers and blogs out there. I'm pretty sure all of you know of at least one blog that had their Adsense account banned around one month ago, when Google went out and winnowed a good portion of the Blogger population for having "fake blogs". The more telling result was that most of those blogs stopped after that point. For that, I say good riddance.
The money part of Blogger is just a bonus for me. As for me, if my Adsense got banned the only change you'd notice was the sudden absence of ads on my blog.

I'm not here to get thousands of Followers and thousands of dollars, I'm here to get readers. The difference being not so subtle after all. There's a sort of unspoken rule around here where someone will come to your blog and post a comment and end it with something like "+Followed" and you're supposed to follow back. Not to be a jackass but I don't really do that. If your blog isn't something I'm interested in, that is to say, I would have nothing to comment other than "Nice post!", I don't follow just for the sake of it. So, for those of you whom I follow, know that I really enjoy all of your posts. (O_<)-b


  1. Yeah its always funny to see super generic blogs inexplicably stop making posts as soon as their ads are down... put 2+2 together lol.

    Anyways, I enjoy blogging and the little bit of money I get is very useful since I'm in college.

    btw NICE POST +follow me back @ swimmerfanx.blogspot


  2. I know exactly what you mean. I've seen literally hundreds of those guys come and go in the past year. If your primary goal for blogging is to make money, you are doing it wrong.

  3. I blog because I wanna improve my writing side of me. lol. unfortunately, I don't think I'm improving anyway. hehe!
    but my friend encourages me to do some advertisements also, he was the one actually who "technically" put the ads on my blog-google ads disabled my account and for that I felt a little bit, don't wanna think much of it anymore.

  4. Very well said. Those with dubious intentions in blogging soon find that its not worth it in the end, and typically give up when they get bored or their ads are banned, anyways.

    It's always good to see people with noble intentions getting the readers they deserve, instead of those who are solely in it to make money.

  5. lol that is an unspoken rule but I don't follow it either (does that count as a joke?). I try to have a noble cause for everything I do, but fail massively. There are also blogs I've followed that have become dull over time. So yes, if I read and comment on your blog, it means I do like it lol. I'm here to f**c b****es >_> Kidding, I'm here for test subjec- readers.

  6. haha, I got a lot of these "followed +" comments too. But perhaps you should sympathize these guys, they really need some visitors and followers for their blogs.

  7. btw, nice post, followed+ =)) =)) =)) =))

  8. I totally get what you mean! It's a pet peeve of mine when people come to my blog and don't even read what I have posted (and it's not much) and post something like "nice post. +following."

  9. Great post, uncorrupted cause. +Followed because I enjoy your content.

  10. I agree with what you said, and I am happy to find another blogger that isn't in it just for the check.

  11. I totally agree with you! I've seen a lot of bloggers just half assing their blogs and post quick comments on others blogs!
    Its not something that annoys me though (like it annoys Shutterbug) I find it funny! Sometimes I imagian they read the whole post and then can't think of any thing to say cause they're dumbfounded and end up typing a simple "Cool Post" so they feel like they've acomplished something!
