Sunday, September 11, 2011

Creepypasta #1: Enlarge to Read

Creepypasta - creepy stuff that gets copied and pasted on forums and such, hence the name: creepypasta. You can usually find a thread about it any given day on the /x/ board on 4chan but just so's you don't have to go slogging through the crap that's usually up there here's on of my favorites.

Click on it to bring it up to full, legible size. Enjoy. (O_<)-b


  1. .gif NOPE.AVI

    It's a good job it's a gif I'm not going to be scared by because it's two o clock in the morning and I should be considering sleep lol.

  2. I can't read it. waaaaah! +I'm in a hurry. hmp! I'll check it out later :)

  3. @Mark
    Gifs don't really work on blogger/picasa. He'd have to have uploaded it on imageshack first or something. It's just text.

  4. 4chan frightens me sometimes. this startled me.

  5. @D4: Leaving the gif in Original size seems to do the trick on Blogger. If you re-size to anything else then it will turn into a still.

  6. Not reading it cuz it's a GIF, who knows what will pop up :o

    I'm too used to that lol

  7. But...why does le pasta have to get blamed for le creepy? :(

  8. you pulled the old bait and switch there, eh? i've already fallen for it once though.

  9. @-E-: NONSENSE. I didn't switch anything. It's exactly what I said it is: creepy stuff.

  10. Thank you for this, really, now I must go change my nightwear.. <__<;

    *Was drinking orange soda while reading.*

  11. This is the only thing that has ever made me flinch and I've fallen for it twice.
