Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Whoa A Liebster Blog Award!! \(⊙⊙◡)/

Ho ho! So I got a Liebster Blog award from Mai Yang over at Most Awesome Blog Title Ever!
\(^ヮ^\) (/^ヮ^)/ <(O___O<) ^(O___O)^ (>O__O)>

Good to know someone out there appreciates my awesomeness. kekeke <(º◡º)> *hubris*
What's a Liebster Award you ask? 

 -Liebster - German word meaning 'favorite'
-spread to five bloggers who have less than 200 followers
-thank and link back to sender

Seems like an excellent way to spread some love to some blogs that deserve it.
So then, five fav blogs with <200 followers, eh?
(I couldn't find the number of followers for some of these so it might have broken the rules hehe)

Mount Aenos
Stuff That Rocks
Beast in Human Skin

There are other blogs but too many other people liked them too! For shame, eh? hahaha


  1. Hmm..gotta check out the other four :)

  2. Hehe she gave me one too (yay!) and tomorrow I have my own post where I give them out too. Well, later, seeing as its ten past 2 in the morning. Damn I need to go to sleep.

  3. Awards are awesome.. until it's time to distribute. Damn, was that tiresome.

  4. thank you, my friend! right back at you!

  5. Not so much an award as a rapidly spreading virus, but congratulations all the same.
