Thursday, March 1, 2012

Writing Style

Now for non-GF posts to start trickling in. These Drafts have been sitting for a while so you're gonna get more of these for a while. There are 23 including this one.


This is something you readers who only know me through this blog wouldn't have had the chance to notice: I write these posts the same way I would talk in person.
This is a natural result of my thinking=>writing process. I've mentioned before about how I compose material before setting the words down, and I can't really change the way I talk, even to myself in my own head.
I don't use any big words I wouldn't speak aloud and as a result I feel like my writings stay neatly outside of the pedantic zone. And if it still comes across as pedantic, well then that means I am.

Basically, I imagine myself conversing with a few people. I don't talk to myself, quite. But it comes close to that. And that's why my writing is akin to having my words written down as I dictate them.
I guess this makes for another incentive for me to do at least one video post, just so's you guys can get the sound of my voice catalogued in your brains. Thenceforth you can hear my blog posts properly as you read.


  1. When I read posts (especially yours and Marks) I imagine your on a stage talking and me and the other commenters are sitting there listening.

    So by not using big words you mean to say you arn't sesquipedalian? I definetly would like to see a video post!

    1. On stage! That's pretty good, there. I imagine I'd be sitting on the edge of it though, rather than Steve Job-ing it up there.

  2. Oh and for this performance it looks like I showed up early...

  3. I think you have mentioned this before actually. When I write I do hear myself saying it all in my head and while I don't think as much and just let the words flow when typing, I think a little, which is more than I do in real life.

    1. Sitting in front of your computer is still you IRL.

    2. True but I write a lot easier than I speak. There I things I won't say out loud that I would be able to write.

    3. That's because writing means you aren't facing anyone directly. Hopefully, you'll close that gap between you and any audience you have one day.

  4. I used to write like I speak on the music blog. Then I realized people don't like reading, so I toned it down. I'm re-learning speaktype though.

    1. If they didn't like reading, what they hell are they doing on a blog?

  5. I think for the large part conversational style blogs are easier and more enjoyable to read. Some people ramble on far too much, but you get your point across nice and succinctly most of the time.

    1. "most of the time" Well, that's a fair bit better than I'd expected even!

  6. which I find very very effective :D

    you've been tagged btw :) -sorry ^_^

    1. No need to apologize. Quite....

  7. I like your writing style! Makes it all personal! Could be the reason for your dedicated followers! :)

    Oh and its fine to hold conversations with yourself, my dad says it only becomes bad when one starts answering oneself back. :D

    1. I think it only becomes bad when a new guy you haven't seen before enters the conversation.

    2. ...Oh yeah, that's oo really bad.
