Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Your Fault. Not ALL Your Fault, But It Is Your Fault.

Raging post ahead. You have been warned.

It's on you to shape the world the way you want it to be. That world is massive and your influence on it is probably like having a chisel to take down a mountain, but use it anyway.

When you regurgitate the aphorism "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer" and feel like it's unfair, but then go out and give your money to Walmart or some other multi-national chain, then fuck you.

When you start to notice that stupidity and ignorance creep relentlessly over the minds of humanity, and you just accept it, fuck you.

All those "grammar nazis" out there, they serve as a final bastion of sorts against the incessant waves of retardation that weather away the shores of Correctness.

Did you know that most people can read these days? Why is that? If people can be stupid, why not be completely stupid and just be illiterate, too?
Because they have incentives to know how to read. Not all of them have thirsts for knowledge or anything noble like that. Compulsory education more likely. They probably don't read books (unless a teacher assigned them, in which case: Cliff Notes) but they can go read articles on Fox News or TMZ or some shit like that.

It's within your grasp to positively reinforce behavior in your world. There are few natural incentives for people to do nice things but appreciation and praise are two and you can give it to them.


  1. Ah grammar Nazis I make mistukes all the time!

    1. You can try to work on your spelling, too.

  2. Hey, I'm with you here for the most part. Quite spot on with my thoughts, -especially- with the giant-chain spenders that think the system they're in is unfair.

  3. read never had been easier than now with ebooks and stuff, but the lack of people who likes the knowledge itself is sad.

    1. Maybe Twilight is a good thing because it got people reading something without pictures?

  4. I know someone who did learn to read because they had the hots for their teacher, but since then they did go out and use the gift well to read amazing books and such. You do need to become the change you wish to see. It's also nice to know we grammar Nazis do have a place. I do get worried for humanity sometimes, but with people like me, you, and some others I know, it's not going to be horrific.

    Just, bad.

  5. I do my part. I don't shop at Walmart or Costco or any other big corporate stores unless you count Amazon (for the books I read for fun), mostly because I don't drive, and there isn't one within walking distance of where I live. But I don't begrudge anyone who does, they are cheaper and therefore the smarter place to spend your money, especially if you don't have a lot of it.

    1. I take issue with "they are cheaper and therefore the smarter place to spend your money".

      This is where we go wrong. It isn't the smarter place at all. Not by a damn sight. It's the self-interested place. You save a little of your own money but the flow of money up the economic chain hurts us all in the mid AND long run. You don't shop at the big corporate stores? Well, what else is left? Those local businesses can't compete with Buy-N-Large and the mom-and-pop stores dry up and die because we all want to spend $1 instead of $2.

  6. If people can be stupid, why not be completely stupid and just be illiterate, too?

    hmm..this one is nice :)

    Yeah, why not? haha!

    1. It does give me hope for the future though. Education has made advances, too.

  7. Right on! Lots of complaining but no action!
    I find today's generation to be --uh, what is the word? lackadaisical? I remember my grandmother would tell me stories of back in the days when something unacceptable occurred within the community, there would be days of protest and rallying! ~_~

    1. There are protests still, just for the wrong reasons.
