Friday, March 2, 2012

Breaking Bad: Jesse Pinkman/ Aaron Paul

So, after a long hiatus due to Skyler's bitchiness, I resumed watching Breaking Bad and finished up to Season 4. Now I have to wait until Season 5, the final season, comes out.

Meanwhile, while Skyler and Marie took turns one-upping each other in the stupidity department. Skyler does a few ok things, like helping to launder the money Walter brings in, but she manages to screw that up, too. Marie, on the other hand, is a totally worthless character as far as intelligence is concerned. I wish she got worse than what she did.

Speaking of stupid: Jessie Pinkman. He is dumb, just so dumb. I hate him so much for that. He's surrounded by people who know what they are doing or know what to do or know how to do something well. That's Mike, Gustavo, and Walter, respectively. Jessie doesn't fit in to any of those categories. He cooks meth the way a trained monkey with a good teacher would.
At his core, I'd have to say that Jesse is the only really good person on this show. He is the moral compass in the cast of characters. In a word, he really doesn't belong. He's too soft to lead this life of crime, but too stupid to do anything else.

Aaron Paul, the actor, does an amazing job. Season 3, Episode 9. There is a scene in which Jessie talks about a box he made in craft shop, a beautiful work of art that he ends up selling for drugs. It's a well-played scene that made me respect him more. Aaron Paul, not Jessie.


  1. I'm not watching it so I'm lost and things. However, the next season is the last? I'll watch it all then from the start, then I won't beg for more.

    1. Yep, fifth season is last season. This is why I prefer to marathon shows after they're over.

  2. I'm not watching it but that does sound like a pretty deep scene there at the end.

  3. All the skyler stuff is jus a waste of time of the show, I really want so hard that they kill the character or something.

    1. I don't want her dead. I just want her to take the children and disappear so Walter can get on with his life.

  4. Haha, Skylar must be the most universally hated character on TV. As a whole BB is a great show, probably the best cinematography I've ever seen on TV, and the two leads are always on their game. But they waste so much time with stupid plotlines to stretch out the show, and focus way too much of each episode on infuriating or dull characters.

    1. Almost posted some spoilers here.

      I have faith that the show will end well.

  5. Replies
    1. The main reason I hate her is because the only times she's ever done anything 'effective' it was by playing up to the most stereotypical female weaknesses. She pretends to be sick or stupid. She is never strong by being strong, she just manipulates.

  6. I'm like D4 I tend to wait until series finish and then watch them back to back

    1. I'm going to do that with LOST soon. This will be quite a task.

    2. oh! You want to watch that too? the final season was still not so clear to me until now. hahaha

  7. Never heard of it but seems interesting enough! I'd definitely give it a shot once I have the time.

    1. I'd just wait til it ended since the last season is in production right now.
