Friday, May 4, 2012

Dream - What An Oddity

It began with me driving a sports car through the night-time streets of Los Angeles.
It looked kinda like this.

I pulled into an underground parking garage and the car disappeared. Everything became slightly pixelated as well, like a late 90s PC game. There, I met a friend and an acquaintance. Let's call 'em MDK-girl and K-girl, respectively. I don't think they even know each other IRL. ╮(╯_╰)╭
Nevertheless, they were chatting amicably. I looked at K-girl and said, "I'm looking for a friend."
They laughed and MDK said to her, "Aww, guess you'll have to find your last card somewhere else." Then an alarm klaxon went off. Someone had activated the self-destruct sequence.

I went down the halls toward the elevator. There I met another friend, J-boy, dressed in a suit of European knight armor. He paused, looked at me and said, "I have to stop them" before stepping on to the lift and closing the doors.
That one was strange.
There was because an acquaintance was in it!
That hasn't happened before. It's always been strangers and friends.

No one in between.


  1. looks like a scene from a movie, so random and class with a car like that. haha!

    well, there's always a first time :D

    wait, did you change something with your blog? it won't update anymore :(

    1. Well no, but I've been posting back in time using the Scheduler for a while now. So this post wasn't really posted May 4th, I posted this yesterday. (^_^)7

  2. So the only thing that's strange is that someone who wasn't quite a friend was in it? Well I suppose by the standards of your dreams, which can be quite vivid (see; awesome) it is kind of normal.
