Sunday, May 6, 2012

Annoyance #4: Cheap Tumblr Gifs

You know what really grinds my gears? Those cheaply made animated gifs I find on Tumblr. You know which ones I'm talking about? I'm talking about the ones that just have text overlaying someone saying the line. Usually it's a line from a movie or something. It's lazy.
Worse, it lacks any comedic timing whatsoever. The punchline sits there the entire time.

What am I looking at here? All this gif is really doing is have me read a person's lips. What's the point of animating it if that's what it's going to be? Just make it a reaction image and have done with it.

See that? That's well-made. Make more like that. See how the text comes out as he speaks the words?

Now imagine if the "...OKAY" was there the whole time. Do you see how it would be much less effective?

And that, people, is what grinds my gears.


  1. I wish you hadn't mentioned that... it didn't really bother me until now.

    1. Shall I teach you to recognize bad kerning next? (O_<)

  2. Well some people are lazy, or just don't know how to do it properly. Or are just too lazy to learn. One of the reasons I don't make gifs is that I don't know how to do them all that well. I have made gifs before, and know how to do it of course, but I don't know how to do it with movies and actual clips. Do people just take the part they want frame by frame? It seems like it would take a while. Though if that is how it's done, it's simple enough to add the text overlay onto the right frames.

    1. That's good. If you can't do it properly, best leave it to others. Wish more would emulate your stance.

  3. I agree with you on that. I hate these myself and would prefer to make my own...or probably get someone to make a decent one for me!

    1. Meh. I spend a lot of time harvesting good crop. I've never made one myself.

  4. It doesn't grind my gears, but I do think it's pretty stupid. I get you completely.
