Monday, February 20, 2012

More Sleeping

So I told you S-girl usually fell asleep before I did, yeah?

More tales of sleeping:

I could tell when she was tired because she'd only snore when she went to bed fatigued.
You want to know something funny? (Of course yah do.) She didn't know how to fake snore. That sounds like a strange thing to notice, right? Well, she'd end up snoring softly for real when she stayed up too long before going to bed.
And if she was really tired?
She'd drool on the pillow. (>ワ<) And/or me.
I know it sounds gross, but I didn't mind. And when she'd wake up laughing and embarrassed... well, I shouldn't have to convince you that it's nice to hear something like that first thing in the morning.

My apologies. I guess I'm not that good at dwelling on the negative... sorry to disappoint, Mark.


  1. Damn you and your ability to focus on the positive! Though I will admit things like that are adorable, and I do miss that kind of thing. I actually have no problem with people who focus on the positive, I should probably do it more. Now the best thing I can hope to wake up to is a cat sleeping on me. It's cute but she has sharp claws.

    1. I'm now dying at the thought of cute little kitten mittens. I'm pretty sure they exist too.

  2. It's a good thing you cant dwell on negatives. Better memories, cuter stories. You're a teddy.

  3. Aww that poem in the picture is great. Lol I drool too

  4. oh my gosh! now you're becoming sweeter more each day. what a lucky girl :D

  5. The ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow and we have like a thosand words for breats...

    Glad to hear your remembering the good! And its always good to wake up to a woman you love! Even if she drooled on you or slept on your arm making it numb!

  6. I wouldn't mind either. Drooling is kind of cute.

    1. I actually think her embarrassment did it more for me.

  7. Aww, that's so cute. ^.^
    I don't drool as much as I used to.
    Its good to hear xD other females do, I always felt insecure about it.
