Sunday, October 16, 2011

Uoooh, You Are Indeed A Worthy Opponent...

This is a dream I had about 3 years ago but I still remember it vividly because of how indignant I felt after I awoke.

I'm sure at one time or another you and your group of friends discussed what super ability you would each like to have, no? I feel like this is a common experience most people have had at one time or another. Well, when I imagine up an ability I usually give it some kinds of limitations. Firstly, it makes it more interesting when dreaming up stories and adventures. Secondly, it somehow makes it seem more real and possible to me.

In this case, in this dream I mean, I had teleportation but only to a location within my line of sight. Not as far-ranging as the one in Jumper [2008]. I was walking past the university's bookstore when some men in black came to capture me. They started by firing flashbangs into the air and followed with smoke grenades to cage my range. The thick smoke meant I could only teleport a few feet and soon not at all.

"Damn!," I said. Why is my subconscious so efficient and deft at screwing me over?
(▂⊙⊙) /(⊙Д⊙)\ (سಥ益ಥ)س


  1. haha..yes, agree.

    so you're like Hiro Nakamura of Heroes.

    Jumper is way cooler than Hiro though. hahaha

    but your teleportation in your dreams sucks. hahaha! I'd rather read minds and manipulate them. hahaha

  2. My subconscious can hate me at times too lol. That is actually a good superpower and limitation. Nightcrawler in X-Men, I think he doesn't have a limitation, but he prefers to use things he can see, so he doesn't end up trapped in a wall or something. Limitations do make it more fun, exciting, and realistic. You should expect your enemies to know your weaknesses lol. I would say I hope you got out okay but that was a I still hope you got out okay, or woke up.

  3. That's actually a pretty cool power there, it's superhero worthy if you ask me.

  4. Cause you like the challenge! :)

  5. It's almost like a genie trick with a wish. You get s superpower but it really is terrible.

  6. Your subconscious plays by its own rules. But they are still rules.

  7. I always love playing this game. My choice would be either invisibility or mind reading. But only if i could actively enable/disable the ability at will.
