Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pride and Contempt

Is it possible to have one without the other? Can you think highly of something or someone (yourself included) without looking down on the rest? I hope it's possible. (And if there's one thing Obama has taught me: Yes, we can. hahaha)

Well, you all know I have plenty of pride so this question is especially applicable to myself. I like to think I'm not excessively (hehe) contemptuous of others. Nevertheless, I'm not blind enough to make the assumption/judgement that I'm truly not. Best to just endeavour to be who I want to be, eh? Advice to live by, I think.


  1. i thinks its definitly possible, though too many look at it the wrong way

  2. I'm pretty much with lowfrequencies. It's possible, but it's not easy for people, or practiced.

    What if you've lived your life obnoxious, arrogant, and decided to take a humble lifestyle where you appreciated others more. Suddenly, you're proud of yourself and-- YES did I make the loophole I was aiming for?!

  3. Mr Darcy? Is that you?

    Jokes aside, yes I think it's possible.

  4. I think it can be possible to have pride in yourself, without looking down on others, at least not too much. Jessie has a lot of pride in herself, but the only person she really talks down is herself. That's something that shouldn't be possible. As for me I don't feel a great deal of self worth, so I guess I'm not really one to comment.

  5. have you seen the movie "the invention of lying" ??? I don't know if that's relevant of what..haha..but what I'm trying to say if that, I don't think it's possible having pride without contempt, although I know a few people who do have pride and no contempt and they despised me big time!

  6. I have pride but the meaning of contempt is to vauge (and different places give it different deffinitions!)
