Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In the Trenches

One day, my high school history teacher was talking to us about WWII and the men in the trenches. It isn't a scene from the trench warfare but if you've seen the Omaha Beach scene from Saving Private Ryan [1998] you can get an idea of the kind of indiscriminate mass slaughter people experienced during that war.
The question came up, how did they manage to get up when so many bullets are flying through the air? What goes through a person's mind to allow them to hop up, out of the relative safety of the trench, and run into oncoming fire?
He hadn't personally fought in the war, although we joked that he was old enough to have done so, but he had spoken to veterans who had.

When you got into that situation you stopped thinking about yourself, you thought about your comrades instead. This train of thought also gets touched upon in Mark Bowden's book, Black Hawk Down, which is a good read for any of you interested in some non-electronic entertainment haha.
He also told us that what really kept you throwing yourself into the line of fire was the fear of shame. You didn't want to be the one who sat down and let everyone else do the fighting.

That comrade-in-arms brotherhood... I think a lot of people have lived their entire lives without ever feeling that kind of 'my life in your hands, yours in mine' sentiment. I mean really felt that, not just a close friendship or something close to it.

I attribute the appeal of being a soldier to this lack. You really feel like you're a part of something bigger than yourself. That something, someones, are relying on you. Life and death. Not dollars and cents.


  1. That is actually a really deep way to look at it, and is probably one of the only real answers to that question. Just why would you get up and leave the trench? Because you didn't want to be the only guy that didn't, because you wanted to fight, to try and help your buddies.

  2. You just made it seem a lot more noble than I ever would've thought of it on my own. I value my life too much, but I don't trust others with it anyway.

  3. i prefer the ancient greek lust for glory, but this sentiment is pretty good too.

  4. Thats one of the answers but another part of it is when men are in tough physical conditions they often do with out thinking and are subject to instinctivly following orders yelled at them. Thats why soldiers go to boat camp first. Soldiers aren't born they're made.

  5. You didn't want to be the one who sat down and let everyone else do the fighting.

    -I dunno about that, I'm a coward. So, maybe I will just sit down or whatever. haha

  6. guess the shame would be to big for the cowards that stayed in the trenches

  7. That is one of the many reasons why I could never make it in the military.

  8. @D4: If it seemed noble that's fine, though that wasn't my intention nor was it theirs. It was fear of seeming a coward not a desire to be noble.

    @-E-: Glory in present-day war is for the officers, not the foot soldiers. The word is 'expendable'.

    @Mai Yang: Not everyone can be a soldier haha.
