Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Racially-targeted Aggressive Dream?

So last night I dreamt that I was walking along, wearing a large and heavy backpack. That's when someone kicked me in the butt and I turned around. It happens to be a guy I knew from uni, last name of Nguyen. I boot him and notice someone else on the scene. I don't think they actually know each other in real life but her last name is also Nguyen. I give her a boot in the ribs too but lose my balance because of the backpack and fall over. Then she jumped up and stomped on me. O the humanity.


  1. Hmm, where's the racial part?

  2. That is a weird dream O_O Next time remove your backpack before attempting to kick people in the ribs lol. Or maybe there was something on there that would have helped.

  3. Haha, wait, I don't like the seeming target of this dream... what did girl-Nguyen do to deserve a boot? Lol, so much revenge in your dream. This is surely not an insinuation that Vietnamese people are vindictive, right? Right?
