Thursday, June 21, 2012

Temperature Rising

So far it's been a temperate summer. In fact, it's been unseasonably cool, most days loitering around the 70 degree range.

That changed yesterday.

90. BAM. Right in the face.

If there's one thing I like about working as a lifeguard, it's the fact that I can be around a nice body of water all day. A cool pool, as it were.


  1. I'm pretty sure as a lifeguard though you have to sit on your big chair unless someone actually needs you. I could be wrong though, but at least my view on them isn't distorted thanks to Baywatch. The weather can't seem to decide what it wants to do here. Rain one day, sun the next.

  2. oh. that's why you can swim. HAHA.

    I dunno, but I guess working as a life guard seems to be pretty much of an awesome job, you get to see sexy bods every now and then :D

    1. I wish.... (T_T) I think they all go to the beach instead of the pool.
