Monday, June 18, 2012

デタラメ・マザコン・チェリーボーイ 〜for the movie〜


So there's this fictional band called the 金玉ガールズ (Kintama Girls), right? They exist in the world of Detroit Metal City. It's a cool series I highly recommend checking out if you have a sense of humour.

Anyway, the (fictional) band released a single cd and I managed to pick it up a few months ago. But, a terrible, terrible twist of fate befell me. The track titles on the files had become corrupted.

Three tracks. I already knew the name of the first track (title of this post) so that wasn't a problem. The third track was an instrumental version of the first, again no problem. But Track 2. The file name was just a jumble of nonsensical wingding symbols. How the hell do I find its name? This is pretty obscure material to begin with. "Hey internet, what's the name of the second track on a hard-to-find single from this fictional band?"

I filed the quest away for a while but today, I found it. At long last. A website that sells imported cds decided to post the tracklist.

2. クダらねぇ社会


  1. You found it then? Yay. For some reason all the Japanese symbols on my computer decided to vanish, and I had no idea what some track names were. Then they magically came back too. I still haven't worked that one out.

    1. That's probably an issue with your computer's Asian character support. If you don't have it all Asian characters turn into empty rectangles or squares with 4 digits or wingdings.

  2. So what does it translate to in English?
