Friday, June 15, 2012

Pay Attention

I'm not saying you shouldn't pay attention to news. It's a small planet and it would behoove you to know what's going on in the neighborhood or even the neighborhood across town. A blind man may see nothing but only an idiot runs with his eyes closed. Ooh, I like that line. (O◡O )

I'm saying you should pay attention when you consume that news. Take everything with that proverbial grain of salt. Unless the story is about you or involves you directly, you probably don't know shit about what really happened. All you know is what they show you. And they show what they want to show the way they want to show it.


  1. That is a pretty good line, and the picture shows how easy it is to distort things. I'm not saying the news has ever done something like that, but they do have a tendency to distort things. It's good to pay attention to the news. You should know something at least about what is going on.

  2. It would surprise me if one single written article in the daily news was 100% accurate. I've been eye witness to a fair amount of newsworthy events and none of them were reported exactly as they went down. Reporters lie, cops lie, witnesses lie, it's scary how much of the truth is left out or ignored when its convenient to do so.

    1. 100% accuracy is too much to ask for. All I want is 0% biased lies.
