Monday, April 16, 2012

To Secure, Contain, and Protect

A year ago I found some creepypasta (Creepy shit. I love it.) on the internet, as I do. It's called The Holders Series. It's shitty. Well, ok, the first one I read tickled my fancy, what with the esoteric rituals and such. But, well, repetitive and stale succinctly describe all the rest. The parodies perfectly capture the wackiness of it all. I'll say no more.

Then, two days from now (huehuehue time travel is cool), I learned about SCP - Containment Breach and that shit is good. Some of it isn't even really creepy, per se, but it's so fascinating. Playing the alpha version of the game now. Yeah! Alpha. Not even beta stage yet. This thing has promise. A blink gauge? Hell, I never even thought of that.

And you can read all the mythology here. It's what I'm doing right now. I- I mean, two days from now.


  1. SCP Foundation is so rad, it's one of the best creative writing exercises on the internet, and can be wonderfully chilling and equally hilarious.

  2. I like reading creepy stories, and I never understand why I do and then stay up until four in the morning, but I'm still not a big fan of creepy games and such. It has also been some time since I read a good creepypasta. Or a bad one.

    1. Oh, but what more immersive experience is there?

  3. Ooo, this is really cool but not my cup of tea. XD!! ---Omg, its that doll again!!
