Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Urinal: Bad Design, Good Ad.

If you recall this post then you should have all the knowledge you need to make an educated assessment of this image.

As you should now know, if you give guys something to aim at, they will do so. This is good advertising but, dare I say, piss poor design? *teehee*


  1. Teehee indeed. I think this was more marketing than trying to give guys something to aim at, but I know I'd be tempted to have a shot.

    c wut I did thar?

  2. That's clever. I'd have a BLAST playing that game.

  3. Haha, that is both so clever and stupid at the same time.

  4. Or is it? It seems to have some padding.. maybe there's less mess than you'd expect.

  5. It should be a basket ball hoop in the side corner!

  6. @Mark: It wasn't *more* marketing. It was completely and totally marketing.

    @AllenTesch: My only concern would be running out of ammo, as it were.

    @Heaven: Indeed!

    @D4: No more padding than your typical urinal.

    @Bersercules: That would actually be much more helpful! But that wasn't the aim of this exercise. (hehe)
