Monday, January 9, 2012

How I Tie My Shoelaces

I've noticed that a lot of people keep their shoelaces tied at all times. They just slip them off and on when needed. I always untie and retie my own. In the past when I used the slip-on method my shoelaces would fray very quickly.

In order to minimize the inconvenience factor I learned to speed-tie the laces.

Lifehacks. Enjoy.


  1. I actually said "What the fuck?". That's fast. It took me quite some time to learn to tie my shoes (seriously). I tend to leave mine tied. I may have to try this though.

  2. I always untie my laces. That last bit almost looks like a magic trick, if you hadn't done it slowly, I'd never have gotten it.

  3. I spent so much time tying and untying that I've gotten to the point where I tie and double not in about 3 seconds. This is nice though, I could show off more.

  4. Thats awesome! But I wont be doing that anytime soon, the laces on my shoes broke years ago and I've been wearing my shoes lace free ever since!

  5. I tie and untie every time. But I wear boots.

  6. @Mark: I've given shoelaces much thought.

    @Anne: A fellow shoelace un-tying person!

    @D4: Why do you double know them?

    @Baur: It ain't. (^_^)-b

    @speakers4u: Just YouTube search "fast tie shoelace" and others should come up.

    @Bersercules: How? Doesn't the tongue loll out like a dead dog's?

    @AllenTesch: Same! I wear waterproof boots as my default these days.

    @Baur: No! It really isn't!!

  7. @Shutterbug: May your life never be the same.

  8. This is hands down one of the coolest things I could ever learn!

    To my sneakers!
