Wednesday, November 23, 2011


There will, in fact, be no labels on this post because nothing really fit. It ain't random. There is no question, no personal story, no thoughts, etc.

EDIT: There is now a label.

Instead I'll just leave this here while I wait for the poll results to settle.


  1. i can't read the comic. the words are too small.and it won't let me zoom in... :(

  2. Can't read the comic either. :(

  3. It's a little small. But I think I got the jist. He captures a bird, but it scares them, so he burns them?

  4. Can't read the words either but got some laughs just from the pictures.

  5. Couldn't read the sign above those guards (other than something something Bird Sanctuary), but managed to read the other panels I think.

    PANEL 6: Oh my god! You're serving turducken!? Where did you get it??
    PANEL 7: Wait, what's turducken?
    ... Traditional turducken is a hummingbird cooked within a swallow, cooked within a duck, cooked within a chicken, cooked within a turkey. ...
    PANEL 8: ... It's also the creative (creation?) story of my religion!
    PANEL 9: HAHAHA! See what I mean? Such a joker, this guy!
    PANEL 11: Heh... ehhehe....... heh.

  6. I've seen the cartoon before, very funny! I voted in your poll! I voted for b. I like the letter b!

  7. Ah sorry guys. I have the file and I can zoom on it there with no problem. Here's a link to a bigger one:
