Saturday, November 12, 2011

Piles of Leaves

Have any of you jumped into a pile of leaves? This is an act of "fun" that I hear white people like to partake in. Could one of you explain the appeal to me? By "you" I don't mean white people, I mean my readers.
I imagine there are lots of bugs and dirt in that pile of rotting organic matter. Is it deceptively fluffy? And any advice in the spirit of "You gotta try it to get it" will be noted asinine.


  1. I actually haven't done it myself, though I have jumped in a puddle. I don't quite get the appeal of it either, my guess is that the leaves provide a soft landing.

  2. Nope I've never done it. I do admit it has some appeal though. Just the little kid in me, wanting to disturb something with a safe landing. Kinda like building an entire Lego city just to pretend you're Godzilla.

  3. I don't know. Never did that.. or I don't seem to remember. This reminded me of something I wondered about though:
    Did you ever puke on some girl's face? I've heard that it's something asians like to do during their "sexy time".. Could you explain the appeal of that? I still haven't quite grasped it.

  4. I did! when I was a kid. my friends and I would get banana leaves and piled it where we can jump off from mango tree (huge mango tree) without us getting hurt. hahahah! it was fun! really :)

  5. maybe the appeal starts to fade as you get older, but if the pile of leaves was big enough it made for for a great soft landing after leaping out of a tree or something

  6. I never tried, always think first what can be found in the inside.

  7. @Bob: Something gets on the girl's face. It ain't puke. hahahahahaha. Touché, though. hahahah
