Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a whole lot about economics but I'll say this:

If people can still afford to buy shit, they aren't doing too bad.

That was an understatement, by the way. People in America are complaining because they have less, not because they have nothing.


  1. It's credit cards. People spend money they don't have, a very bad habit.

  2. The difference is this is a huge sale. Even if you have no money, you have to go even if you don't have any money to spare. It's so cheap.

    Plus credit cards like D4 said.

  3. so true! most people are consumed with buying things that they forget that there are people out there that are homeless and starving...

  4. Those crowds and lineups make me cringe.
