Monday, December 12, 2011

TV Shows and My Attention Span

Posting for 12/6.

You remember K-ON!, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Game of Thrones and Sasuke? Yeah, I haven't done any watching of those shows of my own volition in a long while.

I hesitate to say I've gotten bored of them, that isn't quite the feeling. I suppose I am just not in the mood to watch them at the moment. Why don't I just watch it anyway?

Well, now. Here's my thought process on that. If I watched it now, when I don't really feel like it, I wouldn't get as much enjoyment out of the experience as I would have otherwise. A friend once told me that was such a deep way of looking at it. I can understand that feeling. It's still good, right? You'll still laugh when it's funny, etc., right? Well, yeah, but I wouldn't laugh as hard, you know?

And so they sit on the back burner, as they say. ╮(╯ヮ╰)╭ Until such time as they would bring me maximum returns on entertainment and enjoyment.

Within the family my sibs and I refer to this as the product in question having "gone out of phase". Picture a sinusoidal curve (or a co-sinusoidal curve, if you like). The amount of enjoyment rises to a peak, where we feel like playing the video game or watching a show all the time, then it peters out and we put it away in a corner for a while.


  1. I'm with you on this actually. There are times I've just stopped. It's not like I don't like it anymore. It's just hard to describe it, but I think this puts it close.

  2. It makes sense. If I can wait til I'm really in the mood, I will, but it's usually more comfortable to turn the tube on at the right time.

  3. I do this all the time! When you get back into them you'll have so many episodes saved up to watch! It can be great!

  4. @Mark: We are a lot alike, aren't we? So much so, we might not get along if we met in person, wakakakaka

    @D4: I can see that happening with a currently running TV show, but since most of this stuff is accessible at anytime, the games in particular, I don't feel any time-based urges.

    @Bersercules: Indeed! In fact, marathon-ing is my preferred method of consumption!

  5. Agree with your post.

    "Indeed! In fact, marathon-ing is my preferred method of consumption!" Yupp, same here.
