Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Breaking Bad: Family Problems

Eight episodes into the second season now, Walt's second life has started to cause problems with his family. This should surprise no one. Walt isn't a very good liar when it comes to his wife. At this point he is still only an amateur criminal. He has his moments of bad-assery now and then but he has a ways to go before he reaches the point featured in that hardware store clip.

Because Walt is such a bad liar (where his wife is concerned anyway), those scenes do not entertain me. Futhermore, Skyler strikes me as an unintelligent character, which doesn't help things. I feel like Walt should be able to pull the wool over her eyes much better than he has been. Some of the cover lies he tells make me cringe. I think of the lie I would have told in his situation as the conversation rolls on. Then he goes in a different direction, one that can unravel with a single phone call between two people he assumes won't call each other. I wait for the times when his 'opponents' are thugs and bad guys so he can turn into Heisenberg.


  1. It's usually a turn off to me when I start thinking of what I could've done better than a character in a show. It's best when they don't let me think and everything flows.

  2. I can't stand his wife either, and I keep hoping she gets killed off, because I love when he puts on the hat.

  3. Breaking bad is such an amazing show. And you know what? I'm at episode 10 of season 2 too. Too bad Tuco died...loved that character

  4. I keep picturing him as Tim Whatley from Seinfeld.

  5. Ever since Walt has gotten that hat, he is fucking HEAD HONCHO. Such a badass and absolutely no redemption in sight

  6. im at season 3 ep 8 and its 2:30 am, i cant stop watching.
