Monday, June 13, 2011

Idiosyncrasy #1: Extra 'U'

I was born in the States, went to school here and learned American English in class but for some reason I always write and type 'colour' and 'behaviour'. How did British spelling get in there? (O.o)7 ??

I don't know. Was it reading Harry Potter in 5th grade? Was that it? An impressionable age to be sure, but why? I must investigate...
~~(__ಠಠ )
My mother was born in Hong Kong. The English held Hong Kong for years, right? This influence trickled into her mind and was passed on to me. She speaks English with a slight British accent sometimes. The extra vowel lay dormant for years until I came upon this children's book series, written by a British author, and BAM! Colors became COLOURS! Yes...that must be how it happened...


And with that I am back on track. A triple post day! I realized I actually missed a Friday AND a Saturday post so this should make everything hunky-dory. Yes, indeedy.


  1. I must say, I prefer british english. Maybe your colors turned into colours 'cause that way is just nicer :D

  2. Haha, maybe. I watched a video a few days ago on how Webster tried to "dumb down" American laguage. The main ones that stuck were the removal of u's.

  3. That's interesting. But the ladies must love it if you can break out the English accent.

  4. I grew up in the States and in Canada so I go back and forth with the "u" thing. Sometimes I use is and sometimes I don't.

  5. @AllenTesch: I never thought of doing that...hmmm (O___O)

    @BigMike: I did! David Attenborough's voice enhances any documentary but I don't think that did it.
