Thursday, January 19, 2012

YouTube and Internet Validation(?)

So if you surf YouTube as much as I then you've probably done your share of Related Video chaining and therefore, you should have run into plenty of shitty videos that suckered you into clicking on them because of their high view numbers. If you are a smart guy like me you probably cursed and wished you could see the Rating on the video before clicking on it. That way you'd know if it had earned its eleventy million views or if you're just going to the latest derp on the top of the herp heap. I present to you this excellent browser extension: here. It comes in Firefox, Chrome and even Safari flavor.

In other news, speaking of YouTube Ratings, only twice have I managed to post one of the Top Rated comments on a YouTube video. By Thor's hammer, what an accomplishment...
(- -___)=3

#1 - Yelle - A Cause Des Garçons
#2 - The Proclaimers - 500 Miles

Was I trying to get lots of Likes? Nope. Did I feel a great surge of pride or victory when I saw my comment within the top ranks? .... Nope. ╮(╯_╰)╭
People should stop hunting for Thumbs Ups... Make your comments clever, poignant or pertinent, guys, come on.

Click those links to watch the nice video, but I don't know when you'll be reading this post so I can't guarantee that my comment will still be there. My comment for the tecktonik vid will be about 2 years old now so it got shuffled under long ago.


  1. That is an entirely useful addon, thanks.

  2. I can see the appeal of wanting to know a videos ratings in advance, but its not for me cause I love watching stupid YouTube videos!

    1. B-b-but it's dangerous out there. You should take this!

  3. Replies
    1. In the single day since I've had it, I think it has saved me at least 2 hours of my life being wasted. Against my will, at any rate.

  4. Thanks for the addon, I'm always looking for more technowizadry. Also thanks for making me listen to 500 Miles. Been way too long. I won't get it out of my head for a week but it will be worth it. I don't think I spotted your comment though. What's worse than people with insane amounts of views are titles and thumbnails that have nothing to do with the video (something that supposedly breaks the rules). You think "Hey this looks nice" and then think "OH GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!"

    1. Oh, my comment is the one that asks who else isn't here because of a TV reference.

    2. Oh that's still there, it's just with how recent it was I didn't think it was yours if the other was that old.

    3. In fact I think I gave you another thumbs up.

  5. I would've loved this years ago.. but youtube surfing just isn't fun to me anymore.

    1. I commend you on having found a better pastime.

  6. I don't do much youtube browsing, just direct searches and whatnot. I find the top comments there are all usually the same type of circle jerk remarks that get tons of upvotes on other social sites like reddit as well. I doubt it's hard to get a top comment especially with the turnover rate for popular videos, just say anything painfully obvious, relatively edgy, and with any amount of wit.

    1. Popular *new* videos especially. But videos that have been around a while but still get decent traffic, sometimes I get a good laugh.

  7. The worst part about youtube NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT. Your video gets messed up or you have a problem too bad you have to go to some dumb help forum and ask other people! Ridiculous
