Monday, January 30, 2012


I hate dieting. By that I don't mean to say I hate TO diet, because I don't, at all. Ever. I'm thin by nature. I mean to say that I despise the notion that people have of eating less to lose weight in order to become thin. I sit here and I think to myself, "Eating too much is only one of your problems. You also aren't doing anything with yourself."
The worst thing is when I hear someone say they're dieting to lose weight, just for aesthetic reasons. Then I'm like, "Bitch, don't try to get skinny, get FIT!" There's a difference.

Fat, skinny, these are nothing by themselves. BE FIT EITHER WAY, DAMN IT.

Check out my boy here by the name of NO EXCUSES. Let 'im inspire ya.

And another seemingly 'fat' guy who is more awesome than you:

Ah, Sammo, so awesome.


  1. But sometimes a diet adjustment can make all the difference. It's easier to get fit if you're already losing weight, but I agree. If you're gonna diet you should do your part to get fit over all.

    1. I think dieting should be part of the process to getting fit. I don't think "losing weight" by itself should be any kind of a Goal.

  2. Sammo is amazing. I think people underestimated him or saw him more as comic relief because of his size but he was great at what he did. I'm hoping that by exercising as well as being a bit more careful about what I eat (though it turned out I was actually undereating) I can try to attain thinness and fitness together. You really can't have one without the other, and there are plenty of fit fat guys out there who could give a lot of thin guys a run for their money.

    1. I don't know anyone who thought he was "comic relief" except in comedy movies where he was supposed to be. Like My Lucky Stars.

  3. Sammo had some skills! I think he just improved as he got fatter over the years.

  4. Replies
    1. Haha, put it that way and I think of the term 'acrofatic'.
