Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dun Goofed

So I'm basically a full month behind on posts now. Maybe I should do a challenge type thing?

In other news, the XXX Summer Olympic Games have started. I'm waiting in anticipation for the taekwondo events that start on the 8th of August. Two weeks away, man! /(>~<)\

In other news, I dunno about the commentators/announcers where you are but American cunts can't pronounce non-European foreign names worth shit. That's disrespect. Unintentional, maybe, but it's there. If you're going to send someone to cover an international event pick someone with some multicultural experience, not that faggot good ol' boy.

Also, curiously, the U.S. Olympic Team shop has a category for "USA Karate". (It contains a single T-shirt.)

But guess what?

Karate is not a sanctioned Olympic sport...

Aaaand guess what ISN'T listed? Taekwondo. But if you search for 'taekwondo' products you do get results.

I think you could say that someone dun goofed.


  1. You'll have to find a challenge first. Maybe you can just do some posts on the Olympics or something. I think that in every avenue there are American announcers like that. There are some elsewhere, but I think the problem is at it's biggest in America. I'm still not sure how much of it is deliberate, and how much is just plain ol' ignorance. There's also a small amount that could actually just be that they can't pronounce it, even if they know how it's supposed to go.

    1. I don't buy that third reason. Most of the sounds are not problematic.

  2. I usually mute the commentators. I know for soccer they usually get the names right though.

    I also think the taekwondo and karate mix-up is embarrassing. Let them know or something. Poor goofs.

    1. Treating the symptoms doesn't cure the disease.
